Anne is designed to be your virtual assistant in multiple ways.

Anne’s functionalities are practical, but often also enjoyable. No digital knowledge is needed to have Anne at home.  Anne can be set up in such a way that she contributes to a little bit of enjoyment every day. She helps to have contact with people and to keep better control on daily matters.




Once we have entered the details of the contacts with whom Anne is allowed to videocall, they can also call the user of Anne via a web access and their personal login. They can call with their cell phone, tablet or computer with webcam.

Through videocalling you can see each other and that contributes to more personal contact with family and friends. This can also be a pleasant way for caregivers to communicate. It allows them to pay extra attention, when they don’t always have time to drop by.



Anne has a medication diary. Through the dashboard, medication events can be entered and planned in detail, so that Anne can read them out loud at these specific times. She also asks the user if the medications have already been taken. This has to be confirmed on Anne. Anne will remind the user again after 30 minutes if there is no confirmation and advises the user to call somebody if they didn’t take their medication.



Anne has a calendar in which you can enter appointments, such as those of the hairdresser, doctor, birthdays, visits from friends and so on. The appointment can be added to the calendar through a website, this website is called Anne’s dashboard. By entering the appointment in a fun way, Anne says it exactly that way, for example you can describe how a visitor likes to drink his coffee or tea or which cookie to buy before the appointment.




The Album is a functionality where, through the dashboard, photos and videos can be placed or replaced. these are then visible to the user. In this way, the video of the first steps of a grandchild or great-grandchild can be watched as if one was there.

It is also possible to place a message in the calendar when there are new pictures and/or videos. Through the calendar you can also get a notification of what time someone has to get dressed and that by opening the movie you can see appropriate instructions.



Anne can be set up in such a way that you can listen to your favorite radio stations. Setting up the radio stations is done through the dashboard. The radio is only interrupted by Anne’s notifications about the calendar and medications.



Anne can be set up to show your favorite news media with the latest news items and articles. This can be set up through the dashboard and can always be adjusted. Anne can also read the news messages out loud. Although maybe not as if it were an exciting book, but it is very clear and understandable.



We have developed some games for Anne: memory, solitaire and various levels of jigsaw puzzles. A pleasant break during the day that keeps the mind sharp.

How does it work with all the functions?

The functionalities look like large icons on the screen. They can be accessed through simple voice commands or by touching the icons on the screen.

In the dashboard, everything can be set up and entered according to the user’s needs. You can see the changes on Anne right away.

Contact us:


Munsterstraat 16
7418 EV Deventer

The Netherlands

Phone number :
+31 (0)575 787 424
Monday to friday
10:00 – 17:00


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